Friday, March 1, 2024
Breakout Session 1
8:30am - 9:30am PST
9:30am - 10:30am MST
10:30am - 11:30am CST
11:30am - 12:30pm EST
Main Room
AI in action: One district's journey towards meaningful integration

Brian Salts-Halcomb

John Huber
Superintendent at Nuview Union School District

Ken French
Board Member at Nuview Union School District

Dr. Derek D. Rouch
Director of Technology at Nuview Union School District
In this interactive panel session, you’ll hear about Nuview Union School District’s journey to explore AI, which may help you to:
*Locate your own system’s stage of readiness and investment
*Identify the complementary roles of Superintendent, Board, and District Admin
*Clarify the purpose and measure of your system’s AI initiatives
Breakout Room 1
AI tips and tricks for teachers

Emily Karst
Assistant Principal at Upper Arlington High School
Here are my foolproof AI lifehacks to help you find that elusive work/life balance. You’ll leave with a ton of new tools to check out and a resource to help you keep them all straight. I would love to see you there!
Breakout Room 2
The future of artificial intelligence and Its implications for education

Dr. Robert Peters
Vice President & Chief Academic Officer at Successful Practices Network
Artificial Intelligence-from classroom teacher to Principal to Superintendent-can pose an unwanted challenge OR it can be an ally that relieves campuses of some of the tasks and responsibilities that consume the organization’s time and energy. Dr. Peters will describe how Al will increasingly impact the workplace, home, and society, which will cause a major shift in the skills, knowledge, and attributes students will need to be successful in the world beyond school.
Breakout Room 3
AI-Enhanced Lesson Design (AI-ELD) process

Ng Ee Noch
Head of Department Information Communication and Technology (HOD ICT) at Boon Lay Garden Primary School, Singapore
This session will showcase how AI can assist teachers craft engaging and effective lesson plans through the AI-Enhanced Lesson Design Process, which I developed during my participation in the Fulbright program in the US. This process improves lesson planning by combining AI capabilities with the professional expertise of educators. It features a prompt framework, an assessment rubric for evaluating the quality of AI-generated lesson plans, and a list of carefully selected follow-up prompts.
Breakout Room 4
Build trust in teacher-coach relationships with TeachFX

Ashley Yazarlou
Educational Technology Specialist & Instructional Coach (TOSA) at Hemet Unified School District

Resego Mooki
Partnerships Manager at Teach FX
Are you an instructional coach in your school or district? Then join Ashley & Resego to learn important steps for building trust in your coaching relationships and how to utilize the artificial intelligence capabilities in the TeachFX platform to maintain trust and enhance your instructional coaching practices.
Breakout Room 5
AI and writing feedback in K-5

Suzannah Evans
Instructional Coordinator at St. Vrain Valley Schools
How might we utilize AI in the younger grades to provide meaningful, actionable feedback in writing? This was the question many of our K-5 teachers wrestled with as we sought to embrace AI technology, and simultaneously be conscious of student access and privacy. In this session, we will highlight examples of how St. Vrain teachers are using AI to create feedback loops, save time, and inspire students to take their writing to the next level.
Breakout Room 6
AI Product Potpourri


Aauti School


This session is designed as a showcase where various AI product vendors will demonstrate their innovative solutions, offering a glimpse into the future of AI applications within TK-12 education.
Breakout Room 7
Artificial intelligence for at-risk (at-promise) students

Yvonne Schlangen
Graduation & STEAM-X Coach, Gifted Case Manager at Creek Wood High School
This session will start out with the identifier markers of At-Risk Students and how AI can assist you in bridging that SEL gap. We will focus on resources that can be used from K-12 in your classroom. (Hands-on Time allotted)
⭐ Featured Keynote
9:45am - 10:45am PST
10:45am - 11:45am MST
11:45am - 12:45pm CST
12:45pm - 1:45pm EST
Main Room
Powerful Teaching: How to Unleash the Science of Learning in your Classroom

Dr. Pooja K. Agarwal
Cognitive Scientist & Founder of
Teaching might be an art, but learning is a science! Dr. Pooja K. Agarwal (she/her, @RetrieveLearn), cognitive scientist, educator, and author of the book Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning, shares practical teaching strategies–based on 100 years of research–that dramatically improve student learning. Equipped with scientific knowledge and evidence-based tools, turn your teaching into POWERFUL teaching and unleash the science of learning in your classroom.
Breakout Session 2
11:00am - 12:00pm PST
12:00pm - 1:00pm MST
1:00pm - 2:00pm CST
2:00pm - 3:00pm EST
Main Room
Navigating the future: Strategies and best practices for implementing AI in K12 schools

Vera Cubero
Western Region Consultant: Digital Teaching & Learning at North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Many futurists have said that we will see more innovation in the next ten years, than in the last 100 years. Are your students ready for this future in which they work alongside AI to accomplish tasks faster and better and in which the old adage of ‘Seeing is believing” no longer holds true?
How can schools navigate the AI Age so that they can harness the power of AI to transform learning and prepare students for this future, while also avoiding the dangers and potential negative outcomes?
Vera Cubero, lead contributor and leader of North Carolina’s steering committee to create AI implementation guidance for its public schools will provide insight into the process and share highlights from NC’s comprehensive Generative AI Recommendations and Considerations for PK13 Public Schools to help other educational leaders to help them safely navigate the intersection of AI and education!
Breakout Room 1
AI in action: Crafting dynamic PE curriculums with ChatGPT

Anthony McKissic Sr.
HPE Department Chair & Website Designer & Media Team at Creekside High School, Fulton County Schools
This session at Sequoia delves into GPT models in education, focusing on streamlining planning for PE teachers. By automating lesson and unit creation, this approach reduces educators’ “busy work,” freeing up more family time. We’ll discuss how GPT models enhance lesson planning, integrate diverse content, and adapt to teaching needs, improving educational quality and aiding in work-life balance.
Breakout Room 2
The AI advantage in next-gen science classrooms

Karle Delo
Director of Curriculum & Instruction at Ovid-Elsie Area Schools
Learn how to use AI as a catalyst to enhance three-dimensional teaching and learning in science. In this session, we will explore the transformative potential of large language models like ChatGPT and Google Bard in enhancing Modeling Instruction. You will walk away with prompts you can use tomorrow to brainstorm phenomena, driving questions, claim-evidence-reasoning paragraphs, practice question sets, and more!
Breakout Room 3
Scaling AI in the classroom: A Khanmigo case study

Shawn Jansepar
Director Of Engineering and Product Leader at Khan Academy
This talk will go into detail about Khan Academy’s efforts to super charge classrooms by providing a teaching assistant for every teacher, and a tutor for every student.
Breakout Room 4
Instant feedback: Tackle learning loss, burnout, scores

Peter Paccone
SMHS Social Studies Teacher & SMUSD AI-Integration Team Leader at San Marino Unified School District
Learning loss, burnout, scores—address them with AI-powered instant feedback that you control. Teachers using Class Companion engage students, cover more content, raise scores, and reduce cheating. Students love it. Educator-designed and OpenAI-backed, Class Companion enables instant, high quality feedback, coaching and practice, and insight into what students understand. It’s free and supports a range of subjects and grades. Learn how to superpower your teaching in this interactive session.
Breakout Room 5
The AI sidekick: How to boost your teaching superpowers

Adam Moler
Social Studies Teacher at New Richmond Exempted Village School District
In this beginner workshop, learn practical strategies for incorporating common AI tools to elevate instruction, streamline workflows, and inspire students.. Discover how AI can help make you a better teacher by doing what it does best – crunching data, automating routine tasks, and scaling expert-level knowledge – so you can focus on those irreplaceable human strengths like building relationships, creativity, and wisdom. The future of education is already here – let’s ensure it empowers the teachers who empower students.
Breakout Room 6
Interactive AI learning: Designing student-focused chatbots with SchoolAI

Larisa Black
Founder at Teach Wise AI

Matt Karabinos
Elementary Education Teacher at Williamsburg Community School District
Join Larisa Black and Matt Karabinos for a transformative session on ‘Interactive AI Learning: Designing Student-Focused Chatbots with SchoolAI.’ Discover innovative strategies for crafting personalized learning experiences through AI. This session will guide educators through the process of integrating chatbot technology into their classrooms, offering tools for enhanced student engagement and streamlined content delivery. Learn to create interactive educational spaces that cater specifically to your students’ needs, fostering an environment of inclusivity and technological advancement.
Breakout Session 3
1:00pm - 2:00pm PST
2:00pm - 3:00pm MST
3:00pm - 4:00pm CST
4:00pm - 5:00pm EST
Main Room
The AI advantage in next-gen science classrooms

Karle Delo
Director of Curriculum & Instruction at Ovid-Elsie Area Schools
Learn how to use AI as a catalyst to enhance three-dimensional teaching and learning in science. In this session, we will explore the transformative potential of large language models like ChatGPT and Google Bard in enhancing Modeling Instruction. You will walk away with prompts you can use tomorrow to brainstorm phenomena, driving questions, claim-evidence-reasoning paragraphs, practice question sets, and more!
Breakout Room 1
Exploring AI: A beginner's journey with Pi

Jake Carr
Personalized Learning Teacher (PLT) at CORE Butte Charter School & Co-Host of What Teachers Have to Say Podcast
Dip a toe into the world of artificial intelligence chat bots with our ‘Exploring AI: A Beginner’s Journey with Pi’ workshop. This interactive session invites educators to engage with the Pi AI tool (free account will be required), a personal assistant AI model from Inflection AI, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills. Participants will explore AI’s capabilities and limitations, develop new ideas, and reflect on their experiences. The workshop emphasizes personal growth and adaptability, preparing educators to integrate AI into their teaching practices effectively. Join us for a transformative experience that blends technology with insightful reflection, enhancing both your professional and personal journey in the realm of AI in education.
Breakout Room 2
Leading and learning with AI in schools today

Sophie Theodorou
Middle Years Teacher at Pembina Trails School Division & Content Creator at Teach2AI
In this session, you will gain an understanding of how artificial intelligence works and how it can be leveraged ethically in schools from an administration standpoint. You will be exposed to a wealth of ready-to-use resources to use in your own school the very next day to increase student engagement and enhance your own productivity. You will have a chance to test out some of the most helpful AI tools for administrators, teachers and students and will have a list of resources ready to take with you.
Breakout Room 3
Developing a HS AI course: Preparing all students for the future

Andrew Wheatley
Director of 7-12 Curriculum at Lakota Local School District
In this interactive session attendees will work collaboratively to build a HS AI course in less than 1 hour. Attendees will first explore the future and possibilities surrounding high school AI education. Then we will collaboratively build a one semester, high school, AI course. If we meet our goals, we will finish an outline, scope and sequence, units, activities and assessments for this course that each attendee can access. Join me in this fun and fast paced session.
Breakout Room 4
Differentiating instruction with AI (ELD and more)

Pavel Tretyak
English Teacher at Lompoc High School
This session emphasizes the creation of ancillary material in restricted time frames to help support all students in the class. ChatGPT and Midjourney (Optional) will be the primary AIs used and the creation of ancillary support material for writing, directions, and more will be covered.
Breakout Room 5
AI-enhanced ELA instruction: Artificial intelligence as the end game educational scaffold

Nathan Collins
Personalized Learning Teacher (PLT) at CORE Butte Charter School & Co-Host of What Teachers Have to Say Podcast
This session will focus on utilizing artificial intelligence as the ultimate ELA scaffold for empowering students to supercharge the development of their higher-order critical thinking skills through “AI-enhanced” versions of: annotations, textual analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis, inquiry, and academic research.
Breakout Room 6
Influencing up: Local PD impacting state policy

Jeff Kilner
Instructional Technology Specialist at Indian River School District

Kevin Wright
Instructional Media Coordinator at Appoquinimink School District
Join us for a conversation on how two districts professional development series influenced the State of Delaware’s policy makers to form a statewide Artificial Intelligence Sub-Committee. Kevin and Jeff will each share their local district’s journey into AI professional development for teachers and students. The conversation will then shift to work being done at the State level to shape future policy regarding K-12 public education in Delaware regarding Artificial Intelligence.
Breakout Session 4
2:15pm - 3:15pm PST
3:15pm - 4:15pm MST
4:15pm - 5:15pm CST
5:15pm - 6:15pm EST
Main Room
The AI Literacy Act and the importance of AI literacy now

Luke Koslosky
Research Analyst at Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET)
This session will describe the motivation behind the AI Literacy Act, a bill recently introduced in Congress, and what it would mean if passed into law. It will also provide further context about why this issue is so important. As we move forward into an AI-empowered world, it will become essential for students to understand what AI is, how it impacts their lives, what it can be safely used for, and how it can cause harm.
Breakout Room 1
Unfiltered: How students are thinking about AI

Ryan Holdeman

AIxEducation Members
Student leaders advocating for thoughtful AI use in schools
Breakout Room 2
Code without borders: Redefining CS for K-5

Lisa Moe
5th Grade Teacher at Corona Norco Unified District
In this interactive session, we will delve into the exciting world of AI and its potential applications in the elementary classroom. Participants will gain insights into how AI can be harnessed to enrich teaching, engage young learners, and foster creativity. Through hands-on activities and discussions, we’ll explore practical ways to integrate AI tools and concepts into elementary education.
Breakout Room 3
Streamlining planning and personalizing learning

Carla de Schneider
Grade 7/8 Teacher at District School Board Ontario North East & Education Consultant
Explore the transformative power of AI in education with a focus on Almanack and Sherpa. Discover how these tools revolutionize lesson planning, resource generation, and assessment processes, saving time for educators. Learn about Almanack’s efficiency in creating diverse educational materials, and Sherpa’s capabilities in assessment through conversation. This presentation is suitable for educators with beginning to intermediate AI experience.
Breakout Room 4
Harnessing AI to enhance and deepen students' understanding of literature

Lisa Snow
HS Teacher and Educational Technology Specialist at Eastside Catholic School
This session will introduce the principles and approaches that I use in my high school ELA classroom to create interactive and rich learning experiences for my students with AI. You will also get to explore three fully developed projects/activities that integrate generative AI with poetry, Shakespeare, and novels, as well as three bonus activities that you can easily implement using any generative AI chatbot in your own classroom.
Breakout Room 5
Checklists + AI = Building a foundation for AI use

Jennifer Wood
Instructional Technology Specialist at Rockwall ISD
This session will go over foundational reminders when using AI. We’ll discuss checking, maintaining your voice, editing, adding, and validating AI material. No matter which AI tool you’re using, we can maintain our voice as the clarifying piece. Learn how to use checklists to monitor and to build up these habits.
Breakout Room 6
6 ways AI can improve the well-being of mental health practitioners

Dr. Byron McClure
CEO & Founder of School Psych AI
Will AI take my job? Will it replace the work I’m doing? Is it cheating? Those are questions many educators and school-based mental health professionals often ask about the use of AI in schools. In this session, we will explore the real questions that need exploring-can the use of AI improve well-being? How can it reduce stress? Will the use of AI decrease educator burnout? While we don’t have the answers, we will dive deep into these themes and begin to figure out the possibilities. Join this session if you want to help shape the conversation for the future.
Closing Keynote
3:30pm - 4:30pm PST
4:30pm - 5:30pm MST
5:30pm - 6:30pm CST
6:30pm - 7:30pm EST
Main Room
The Bionic Educator

Eric Curts
Technology Integration Specialist at Stark Portage Area Computer Consortium & Founder of ControlAltAchieve
Will technology ever replace a teacher? Who (or what) is the best educator in the world? The answer may surprise you. Learn about the amazing rise of artificial intelligence and other new technologies that are impacting education. See what you can do to be the best educator you can be, and how your students can be the best learners they can be.